KW - H10 Cerebro like Functionality
Berenice M.
Johan Geuze
Mehran Kamari
Is this going to be added anytime soon? Seems a lot of people are requesting it.
BJ Kokenos
I agree. Cerebro is integral to our keyword research.
Ian Sells
BJ Kokenos: whats missing from cerebro that you would like to see?
what manual work do you do to the exports that we could automate?
BJ Kokenos
Ian Sells: Now that Amazon has changed the SERP I'd love to be able to see if the keyword has the "editorial reviews" or "top picks from our brands" sections.
Cerebro offers an estimated giveaway column, I know it's probably not very accurate but it's at least a place to start. We usually use monthly searches / estimated giveaways to give a 'score' to a particular keyword and get an idea of bang for our giveaway buck; i.e. Monthly searches per item given away.
Also, I'm not really a fan of all of the horizontal scrolling. I'd like columns to take up less space or be able to be customized.