Bulk Management of Keywords
under review
John Migetz Jr
Ability to download a CSV that contains all existing keywords for all existing ASIN's, and the ability to re-upload this CSV to add/delete keywords from the tracker in a timely manner. The CSV contains:
Product Title
Keyword Source (was it manually added by user, or auto generated by EliteSeller)
Current Rank
7 14 and 30 day average ranks
Action field (add or delete)
Ability to add/remove keywords to ASIN's by uploading CSV in the same format, with action field populated with "Add" or "Delete". Adding a keyword that already exists just does nothing, it does not replace the existing keyword or remove the data for that keyword.
Berenice M.
under review
Corey Smith
Would also like the csv to show individual data points over a give date range. For example over the last 1 year where was the item ranked each day. So it would literally have 365 columns with where it ranked each day.