A log entry is created automatically when an ASIN records a promo sale. The log displays: ASIN Product Title Promo Duration (consecutive number of days where a promo unit was claimed for the ASIN) Average promo discount % Total Promo units claimed Integrates with KW tracking app to get a measurement of effectiveness (i.e. average ranking of Primary (top 3) keywords on the day promo started, average ranking of primary keywords 3 days after promo ends). Notes field (for user to enter notes about what strategy they used for that promotion). If RebateKey integration exists, allow for automatically adding log entries when Rebates are claimed in the same way as above. The entry into the log is "open" until 48 hours pass with 0 promos or rebates claimed, then the entry is closed, completing your "Promotion". The app searches order history to find old promotions and retroactively adds them to the promo log for the user to review and gather insights about their historical promotion strategies. The log should be filterable to show promotions for specific ASIN's, specific date ranges, specific Product Segments, specific % off, or specific effectiveness results. For example, we could filter to show only promotions which were highly effective, and then dive in to our notes and other data to figure out why they were effective. Additionally, we could filter to show only promotions which had an average discount of 90% or greater, to get insights into how effective they are compared to those that were 60% or less discount for example.